What is the trial God has placed before you? Infertility? Adoption? Depression? Health issues? Marriage? Ministry? Moving? Grief? Whatever your struggle is, the women who have shared as a part of this series have blessed me tremendously with their words of hope as they have turned to God amidst their pain.
I cannot believe we are at the end of this amazing series. 16 phenomenal women have shared how they have waited on the Lord, in good times and bad, how their faith has grown and their trust has been deepened.
What I love most about these stories is that not all of them had happy endings. Just like in life, for each of us, we don’t always get the fairy tale ending we’ve been dreaming of. Yet, so often that is what we find ourselves waiting on. So, when we do find ourselves waiting on the wrong things, we become fear filled, we lack peace and we are discontent.
When we learn to place our hope in God alone, when we truly wait for Him and not our circumstances to change, THEN we are filled with His peace.
I encourage you to read back over each of these posts and let your heart be encouraged.
Give Away Details
This give away is now closed, the winner is Donna! Thank you all for entering!
Prizes for One Winner
Print copy of Wait Only Upon God.
One Great is His Faithfulness Coffee Mug
I have many periods of my life where waiting on God seemed to be my lesson, perhaps He was instilling patience in me repeatedly.
One of those times, was our struggle with infertility and desiring so badly for a baby yet knowing that God was working character within us through the struggle and we could trust Him. Another time was in building relationships with my biological dad’s family. Due to some messed up sin, we weren’t able to even see that part of our family from ages 7-20 upon which the betrayal and lies that brought it about came to the surface. Since then, it’s been a struggle to develop deepness and know my place in the family structure but God drew me to leaning on Him when I had no one else through all those years.
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Agreeing there have been many times of waiting, but one especially long time was waiting for my first son. Learning to wait & surrender what I wanted daily really helped me.
Our family is currently in a time of waiting. My husband had a successful job at a mission board for 13 years that fell through 2 years ago. He has worked some odd jobs. God has called us into full-time ministry but we don’t know in what aspect – missions, church, etc.
God has supplied in more ways than we can explain. He has allowed many luxuries that most unemployed families cannot experience.
We are looking forward to seeing what God has for us in our future.
Would love to win your devotional. Thank you for sharing.
I am in the midst of a waiting period right now. My husband has been unemployed since September and we are waiting for the Lord to find the right position for him. This has been a true growing experience for me. My patience has been tried but I am leaning on God and I know that everything will happen in His time.
I am subscribed to your blog and I shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thank you for sharing your stories with us!
My biggest “learning to wait” challenge is having to live with my in laws. Don’t get me wrong. They have been absolutely wonderful to us! But I long for our own home. We are so close now but sometimes that makes the waiting harder…knowing it’s close but still just out of reach. I’m positive though that these years have made me closer to God than I’ve have ever been.
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That mug would be a great blessing at this season of my life. Thanks for the giveaway.
The biggest life challenge for myself and my family was receiving my child’s autism diagnosis. There were times when my faith was challenged and I received the “not yet” answer many times through prayer. However, daily prayer and leaning on him everyday only strengthened me and in a greater capacity than I could have imagined. “If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it”
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What I have I *not* waited for? But the worst times have been when I’ve waited for wayward husbands to decide to return to their wife and children. They never did. But I know that God has something better in store for us. I’m waiting to see what it is…even if it’s just this singleness…which ain’t too shabby.
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86 52011 298 I have suffered from depression almost all my life. Right now we are living in a house with only a generator for electricity, half our stuff in storage on the other side of the country, and in a rural area without a vehicle (no public transportation here). While I know God has a plan, sometimes this can be a little much. I read my Bible and pray, but since answers don’t seem to be coming, it’s hard not to give in to the depression. I have two adorable teens that I know need me at my best, so I try to find my strength through them as well.
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There have been many times of waiting in my life. The one that I believe the Lord has most used is the time when my husband was in seminary. We moved away from everything we knew for him to pursue his seminary degree. There were great struggles but greater blessings during the 4 years that he was in school. Many things about our life as a family were different than I ever thought, dreamed or imagined.
After he graduated, we felt that we were to stay in KY. That he was to continue in the part time Children’s pastor position that he was in. This is where the real waiting began. He had graduated and I was ready to once again be a stay at home mom to our 2 children. I wanted to homeschool them. The Lord said to wait and to be patient. Be He also said to be content and obedient. Those things were hard.
Two and half years later, the Lord called us to move. He is good that He took us back to our home state so that we were closer to extended family. That time of waiting on what He had for us after graduation is now one of the most precious times for me. Not only can I look back on it and see what God was dong but I have also had many opportunities to share what He taught me during that time.
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