One of my favorite morning habits is to get up first thing and turn on my diffuser! If you follow me on Instagram I share my daily recipe blend each morning. Creating meaningful and healthy morning habits helps me want to get up each morning and get my day going! I love mornings! Need 5 reasons to get up in the morning? Read these and be encouraged.
I fix my coffee, get my diffuser running, open my Bible and get my day started! Here are 5 more tips for getting your morning going!
Diffusing has so many amazing benefits:
- purifies the air
- makes your home smell amazing without toxic candles
- boosts moods
- supports the limbic system
- helps you focus on the task at hand
- can help you sleep better
- can help balance hormones
- great stress reliever
- boosts the immune system
So, I thought I would share a few combinations that I’m loving in my diffuser right now!
Below on the recipe card you can see the recipe for Frozen Lake! That is one of my all time favorites!
More favorite winter combos:
- Northern Lights Black Spruce + Bergamot + Cinnamon
- Peppermint + Stress Away
- Cinnamon + Vanilla
- Christmas Spirit + Vanilla
- Cinnamon + Northern Lights + Orange
- Thieves + Orange

Getting Started with Oils
If you’re ready to grab your starter kit so you can start diffusing, check out my oils page or head to the main Young Living page, click “become a new member” and put my member number in both boxes to ensure that you end up with my oily team! All this means is that you get the perk of being added to our member only groups for community + education!
There’s no catch, you don’t have to purchase monthly unless you sign up for that and you will never be pressured to sell oils!
Getting started with oils was the FIRST STEP in my wellness journey! I would LOVE to help you get started, too! You can read more about my weight loss and going off anti-depressants and allll the things I did at these links!
I am a YL distributor and user of the oils. I am a nurse and also have depression and a speech disorder.
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The Thieves + Orange combo is a powerful stress reliever. It’s amazing how a simple change in scent can have such a calming effect.