Three years ago in October I began the difficult process of weaning off of Effexor. My path has been topsy turvy to say the least. But God is SO FAITHFUL. He has and continues to teach me so much. His ways are not my ways. He is faithful, friends.
I want to share with you some of the lessons I learned on the other side of the valley. As I have done battle with the enemy and continue to battle for joy, God continues to show up and give me more of Himself.
If you’re reading this in an email, click here to watch my video on the lessons God is teaching me.
Lessons I Am Learning
We are capable of choosing joy. I used to believe that I might be incapable of joy. That God had made me with a negative disposition. That I was prone to it and there was no changing it. But God’s Word says we can be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of our minds. God’s Word tells us that He is MAKING US NEW. (See Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
I now know that finding and choosing and DOING BATTLE for joy is a daily, intentional habit. I have to intentionally look for the good. I have to choose to lead a Philippians 4:8 life.
Gratitude can change a life. We can be complainers or we can be grateful. We can look at the world and see all the problems or we can look at the world and see the chance to be LIGHT in the darkness.
Look around today and ask God to open your eyes for you. Ask Him to help you see the blessing amid the suffering. Choosing joy and choosing gratitude doesn’t take the pain or hard thing away. It doesn’t change the fact that we live in a broken, fallen world. It changes US.
Baby steps can make huge changes. We tend to be all or nothing people. We think if we can’t get it all right we are failures. The enemy wants us to think we are failures and can’t get it right. So we don’t even try.
But when we take small steps of obedience, those steps can lead to life changes. What is one area of your life you want to work on? Make a list of small, actionable steps you can take and start today! Start a gratitude journal, drink more water, read 1 Psalm per day, get out and walk around the block…all of those things will propel you to make the bigger changes you want in your life.
Stress management is more important than eliminating all the stress in your life. Our world is stressful. Yes, we can learn to say no. Yes, we need to say no to people pleasing. Yes, having less on our calendars can lead to a more meaningful life.
However, even good things in our lives can bring stress with them. So, instead of continuing to try and eliminate stress, find ways to manage it in HEALTHY ways that will benefit your overall wellness. Stress impacts us in so many ways. If we can find healthy ways to help us thrive in this life, the stress won’t overwhelm us!
The 2 things in my life that are making the biggest impact on my stress management and anxiety levels are 1) strength training and 2) daily, consistent use of essential oils. Learn more about oils on my Love, Mercy, and Oils page.
Jesus came to give us LIFE and LIFE more ABUNDANTLY. Sometimes the bitterness in our souls leaves us with closed, clenched fists. We have to release the bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts to be open and receptive to the work of the Holy Spirit. With open hands we can surrender to the work of the Lord and receive His gifts.
Isaiah 61:1-3 tells us why Jesus came…and sweet friends, if you have the Spirit of the Living God in you, you too are here to proclaim the GOOD NEWS, to be a vessel of HEALING for the brokenhearted, to proclaim FREEDOM from captivity (just like we’ve been given!) to COMFORT those who mourn, to share with the world that God brings BEAUTY from ASHES. The world needs your story. The world needs your light.
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.
3 Years Off of Anti-Depressants
I would love for you to read an update now that I have been off all of my anti-depressants for 3 years and am thriving. God has been so good to me. My mindset has changed. My health has changed. We are never truly hopeless if we have Christ. We have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us giving us the power to make the steps necessary to BE TRANSFORMED.
My Journey Off of Anti-Depressants
My wellness journey & 51 pound weight loss!
My favorite thing at her shop would have to be the diffuser necklaces. I have been wanting one for my daughter to use with the blend I make to help her focus (ADHD).
Our favorite household oil would be lavender. We use it a lot. Especially our daughters. I use cedarwood, vetiver, and lavender to make a blend for my daughter to help her during homeschool to focus. I love orange, lemon, or lime in my water. Eucalyptus in the tub or shower when sick. I could go on and on and just gush. Love my oils!
That is the same blend I use with my son for focus!! I love vetiver! So great!
Shared on Facebook. Tagged my sister. <3
I would like the cedarwood essential oil, but than the necklace is calling me,Lol it’s a great feeling to know that I’m not alone. Thank you for your words of encouragement my friend.
Shared on twitter!
So many cute things at her shop, owl pillow might be my top fav!
I like to use lavendar and chamomile for sleep it a calming scent
Love the fabric pendant necklace and the eye pillow.
Fav oil is cinnamon bark or Christmas Spirit…really boosts my mood!
Shared on FB
I’m thankful to have come across your blog. I appreciate you sharing your story and being willing to be “known” by the trials you went through.
It’s encouraging to see Gods power and His healing in His children. (I’m still learning about oils, but I do like lavender.)
Thank you for your kind words, Tammy!
I love the teal Mala beads with tassel!
My favorite essential oil is peppermint! I do also enjoy “wild orange”.
I would love to have a necklace. I am just starting with oils. I would love to have one for my child who is autistic to put a favorite oil in. I shared on FB and tagged my friend Charity. Thank u so much for this giveaway! I am going to check the shop out for some great Christmas gifts! Candice, you are awesome and I love all your posts. They minister to me like no other
Thank you for your sweet words, Maria!
I just love the owl diffuser pillows!! So cute and owls are one of my favorites!
I would be most interested in learning how essential oils could help my daughter with her anxiety.
Hey Kristy! Oils are such a wonderful God-given and natural way to help with anxiety, depression, stress management and all of the emotions!! I have done several videos on how oils have helped with my emotional struggles if you are interested you can scroll through all of my videos here and feel free to email me if you’d like help getting started with oils!
I would love the necklace or orange oils. I agree stay in the mood.
I love the diffuser necklaces.
I love lavender essential oil.
I shared on facebook.
Candace, you are such a blessing to me. I found your site last year and immediately subscribed. You are very transparent about the struggles you’ve gone through. You also have proven that anything is possible through God. Thank you for sharing and may God continue to use you as His vessel. I’ve been using eos for quite sometime now. I have a lot of favorites: I diffuse lavender, vetiver, marjoram and frankincense at night for sleep, eucalyptus and mint as bath bombs, tea tree and lemon with baking soda on my carpet! From the store, I love the eye pillow!!
Sue, thank you so much for your kind words! God is so good!! I have never tried marjoram!! I will have to try that one!!
Thanks for stopping by!
I would love one of her mason jar paintings. They are dreamy!
I HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!! And it’s my FAVORITE!! She does such beautiful work!
My #1 fave oil is Frankincense! I use it for emotional wellness, physical health, and everything!!!
Frankincense is probably my favorite too!! SO GOOD for emotional wellness!
SO hard to pick one item. I really like the fabric diffuser necklaces, the owl diffuser pillows, and the diffuser eye pillows. My daughter gets headaches, so I would probably pick the diffuser eye pillows as my favorite.
My favorite oil is peppermint.
I do have a question…I’d like to know what oils people use on their wool dryer balls (that take the place of dryer sheets).
Hi Jamie! I use several oils on my dryer balls. I love using purification and then any kind of citrus oil, especially orange! Sometimes I mix lavender and orange. You can really use any scent that you like!
I really love citrus oils but I use tea tree the most.
I really like the Fabric Diffuser Necklaces
Owl Diffuser Pillows
My favorite essential oil is Lavendar.
Love your posts, always so encouraging… i love the diffuser necklaces they are so unique. I also like the eye pillows, i think i will order some as Christmas presents. I love all my oils but if i had to pick one it would be frankincense… i will be sharing and tagging on facebook. Blessings to you
I’ve never gotten anything from her shop,or your oils but it all sounds good.
My favorite thing are the owl pillows. I love owls. My 2nd favorite are the unicorn pillows. I shared your post on Facebook and tagged my two daughter’s who deal with anxiety, panic attacks and the youngest with depression. I would like to know what oils would help them. Thank you!
Love the owl pillow!
Love the eye diffuser pillows
My favorite oil is, I can’t just say one. Frank is my new best guy friend, he likes when I smell like an orange and he can tell when my stress has gone away

I’m getting ready to post this on FB. And by the way, the picture of you at the end of this blog, you look beautiful.
I love the owl pillow and need that to give a friend’s family member for Christmas, along with an oil. My favorite oil of course is still orange! That is my happy oil.
The shop is great and it’s hard to choose, but I love the diffuser pillows! Those are great!
Love essential oils! My faves are lavendar, eucalyptus, and peppermint.
Shared on fb!
Tagged a ton of friends in a fb share!
I would loooove a owl pillow those are so cute, I would give it to my daughter to help her sleep.
My favorite oil is frankensince. I use it daily for pain. I have RA and am in a wheelchair.
Shared on fb tagged some oily friends lol
Love Angela’s diffuser necklaces and fiber art!
My favorite oil is frankincense!
Love her stuff! I really like the cloth diffuser necklaces. My favorite oils are lavender, lemon and peppermint. I’m off allergy meds! I shared on Facebook.
I LOVE all of Angela’s stuff, but especially her woven art. And the only question I have about oils: Why isn’t everybody using them????
Love you, my friend! You are such an encouragement to me and everyone around you!
What a wonderful shop. I love the unicorn pillow for my teenage granddaughters. I’m interested in using your oils. All of my church friends use a different oil and no one seems to use Young Living. Is is ok to become a wholesale dealer even if you only plan on using the oils for yourself. Also which diffuser is best?